

The Milvus destination allows you to load and store vector embeddings in a Milvus vector database. Milvus is an open-source, high-performance vector database built to handle massive scalable vector data and enable efficient similarity searches.

This connector streamlines the process of integrating with a Milvus database and creating or updating collections to store your vector data. Once configured, you can set up Connections to extract data from various sources, generate embeddings, and seamlessly load them into your Milvus collections for fast similarity searches and retrieval.

Configuration Options

Name: This field represents the name you want to assign to the actor instance responsible for managing the Milvus destination. Choose a descriptive and unique name to easily identify this instance.

URI: Enter the URI of the Milvus database you want to connect to. This could be a local instance or a remote server accessible via a URI.

Collection Name: Specify the name of the collection within the Milvus database where you want to store your vector embeddings. If the collection doesn't exist, the connector will create a new one with the provided name.

Embedding Dimension: Enter the number of dimensions for the vector embeddings you plan to store in the Milvus collection. This value should match the dimensions of the embeddings generated by your model or algorithm.

Authentication: Select the authentication method to be used for connecting to the Milvus database. The available options are:

  • NoAuthentication: Choose this option if the Milvus database does not require authentication.

  • BasicAuthentication: Select this option if the Milvus database requires basic authentication with a username and password. You will need to provide the following additional fields:

    • Username: Enter the username for the Milvus database.

    • Password: Enter the password for the Milvus database.

The choice of authentication method depends on the security configuration of your Milvus database. Consult the Milvus documentation or seek guidance from your database administrator to determine the appropriate authentication method and credentials.

Once you've filled in the required fields, you can use the "Test and Save" button to validate the provided information and create or update the Milvus destination in your dat configuration.

Last updated