AWS Redshift


The AWS Redshift source connector allows you to extract data from your AWS Redshift into your desired vector database.


You will need the following:

  • Create a new user with rights/permissions to access the resources in your AWS account

Configuration Options

  • Name: This field represents the name you want to assign to the actor instance responsible for managing the AWS Redshift source. Choose a descriptive and unique name to easily identify this instance within your data activation tool (dat).

  • Host: Specify the host name for your AWS Redshift.

  • Port: Specify the port number. By default, AWS Redshift uses port number 5439, unless you have changed it during installation and configuration.

  • Database Name: Specify the name of the database that you want to connect with.

  • User: Specify the AWS Redshift user who has permissions to read data from your AWS Redshift.

  • Password: Provide the password for the user entered above.

  • Schemas: Provide the database schemas from where you wish to extract data.

Last updated